I use a simple calculation.
I need 8 hours of good sleep, every night. For me, good sleep in the night is well connected to my next day's productivity.
So I am left with 24 - 8 = 16 hours per day.
That is 16 x 7 days = 112 hours per week.
I total up my lecture, consulting, training, preparation, exercise, personal time for the week.
If it is more than 112 hours, then I am overworked.
I re-look at my calendar, review my tasks and the time I spent on them. If any of my tasks can be simplified, automated or outsourced, I will do that immediately.
How about you?
I need 8 hours of good sleep, every night. For me, good sleep in the night is well connected to my next day's productivity.
So I am left with 24 - 8 = 16 hours per day.
That is 16 x 7 days = 112 hours per week.
I total up my lecture, consulting, training, preparation, exercise, personal time for the week.
If it is more than 112 hours, then I am overworked.
I re-look at my calendar, review my tasks and the time I spent on them. If any of my tasks can be simplified, automated or outsourced, I will do that immediately.
How about you?